Posts Tagged ‘Weights’

#13 – Cleans

February 4, 2009

Technique Day!

The workout helps to teach Full Cleans (also called Squat Cleans).


65# or more

#12 – Fran

February 2, 2009

3 Rounds for time:


95# Thrusters
BW   Pullups

Target Thruster weight should be approximately 53% of your BW.

Sub jumping pull-ups for BW, if/when you are unable to complete BW pull-ups.

Compare to #2

#5 – Shoulder Press/Push Press/Push Jerk

January 23, 2009



5×1 of each exercise, for max weight

A: 95,105,115,120,130 | 120,125,135,145,155 | 135,145,155,165,175
M: 65,95,115,105,105 | 105,110,115,115,115 | 95,115,105,110,110
D: 45,65,75,75,75 | 65,75,75,75,80 | 75,85,85,90,95
K: 65,85,85,85,95 | 85,95,105,105,105 | 65,65,65,75,75