Archive for January, 2009

#12 – BreakFast Ramble

January 30, 2009

30 minutes of breakfast interlaced with meandering conversation.

Post pre-workout body weight and list attempted breakfast items.  Annotate failed items, e.g. (eggs x 2,  pancakes x 2(f),  bacon x 1)

#12 – Cindy

January 29, 2009

For 20 minutes:

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Each time through (5 push, then 10 pull, then 15 squat) is one set/point.  Complete as many sets as you can in 20 minutes.  Keep track of how many of your pull-ups are full vs jumping, as they will be scored differently.

Post BW and score to comments.


#11 – Bench Press

January 27, 2009

For max weight:

3x3x3x3x3 (5 sets of 3 reps)

You should leave it all on the bench for that last set.  Remember, if you can’t lift it 100% yourself, it doesn’t count as a rep, and failed reps don’t count toward your totals.

Please list FAILED reps also, e.g. (135,145,195(f),155,165,175)

Here is a great fundamentals video by Mark Rippetoe.

Remember to weigh in and post results!

#10 – VO2 Max

January 26, 2009

For today’s workout, we will be performing a VO2 Max test.

VO2 Max is a measurement of how efficiently your body transports and utilizes oxygen, which is a good thing, if you are reading this blog : )

We will be using the “Cooper 12-minute run” testing methodology, which is simply measured by the following step:

– Run as far as you can in 15 minutes (try to keep an even pace for the duration). That’s it-pretty simple!

– VO2 Max is figured by the following equation: (Distance in yards-505)/45

Untrained Athlete benchmarks for men are as follows:

Age          VO2 Max

20-29          43-52

30-39          39-48

40-49          35-44

Remember to weigh in BEFORE you work out, and keep records of your own data!

After this run, please static stretch your lower body, holding 30-60 seconds.  Focus on hip flexors, hamstrings, & calves.-use the Samson stretch for hip flexors.

Post weight, distance run, and VO2 Max to comments

#9 – Deadlifts

January 23, 2009

Deadlifts: 3-3-3-3-3 for max weight
Weighted decline situps: 5-5 (10#,25#)
Hooverball: 20 Min, 6 rotations
Rules: Compare to #6

Post deadlift weights and bodyweight to comments.

#8 – Tabata Something Else

January 23, 2009

Using the Tabata interval protocol of :20 @ 100% effort +  :10 rest for 4:00, do the following in succession, with no rest between exercises.


#7 – Custom

January 23, 2009

7 rounds of:
OH squats + 5Knees-to-elbows
OH squats for max weight
K2E use bodyweight

A: 65,85,105,125,125,135,135 | 7×5
M: 65,65,65×3,65×3,65×3,65×3,65×3 | 7×5

Decline situps 15-10-5, weight = 0,0,5

#6 – Hooverball

January 23, 2009


20 Min Hooverball
2:1 rotation (only 3 players) per point
5 wallball shots per point
2-man team uses 5kg ball
1-man team uses 4kg ball

#5 – Shoulder Press/Push Press/Push Jerk

January 23, 2009



5×1 of each exercise, for max weight

A: 95,105,115,120,130 | 120,125,135,145,155 | 135,145,155,165,175
M: 65,95,115,105,105 | 105,110,115,115,115 | 95,115,105,110,110
D: 45,65,75,75,75 | 65,75,75,75,80 | 75,85,85,90,95
K: 65,85,85,85,95 | 85,95,105,105,105 | 65,65,65,75,75

#4 – Angie

January 23, 2009


100 Pullups
100 Pushups
100 Situps
100 Squats

Do all reps of one exercise before moving on to the next. E.g. all 100 pullups, then all 100 pushups.

Modified: 1/2 Angie

A: 16:10
M: 19.49
D: 23:19
K: 22.19